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52 SOCK CHALLENGE: Week 1 & 2

52 pairs of socks, to clarify.

So really that's 104 socks.

In one year.

I've gotten pretty good at socks, I think can do it. It's just a matter of time and yarn. I've done two already! And as I write this I am over halfway through pair #3.

I'm sure I'll make it.

The first pair was started just before New Years while chillin' in a sleepy beach town on the east coast of Mexico. I felt that the best thing for recovering from a Christmas cold was knitting on the beach.

I'd been thinking about the New Year and what I wanted to do with it. I didn't want to make any resolutions. Those never last, and then I just feel bad about myself for not making them last. And maybe resolutions and challenges are basically the same thing, but I felt better calling it a challenge. The 52 sock challenge. And to make things more interesting, each pair will be a different pattern. So...

Pair #1

A pair of blue socks on a rock

The first pair, I knit in my Lackadaisy pattern, which I've been making all my socks in recently. I'm just in love with the staggered eyelet pattern. And as before mentioned, I knit this pair on a beach in Mexico, thus the warm sunny photos.

I technically started just before New Years, but the bulk of it was made in the early days of January, so I'm counting it as number one.

A sunny beach with white clouds and waves rolling in

I have the whole pattern written out for this one, even test knitted. But I have yet to format and publish it.

I'll get to it.

I promise.

Pair #2

My flight home was scheduled for January 7th out of Cancun. I checked in to my flight online and showed up at the airport 2 hours before my flight departed. All I had to do was check in my bag.

Standing in line, the minutes passed and I grew more and more anxious. After an hour, I was half way through the queue, which was too late. The bag-drop closed an hour before my flight. Maybe I could have still gotten on it, but my bag couldn't.

The airport had little to no wi-fi. Not even the Starbucks provided internet, so I couldn't search for cheap flights online. Not that I was likely to get any on such short notice. So I went to a ticket booth and asked for a seat on the earliest flight to Vancouver. The only seats available were in the premium section on a flight 12 hours from when I got the ticket. So I waited. 12 hours is the longest that anyone should have to be stuck in an airport.

And that's were this design was born.

A knitting chart

I can't say I'm entirely happy with it, I'm not sure I'd ever use it again. But part of this challenge is to make each pair different, and I was stressed and short of inspirational material at the time. I called it good enough.

Anyway, I'm home now in Prince George. I got back just in time for the -30 C weather. I'm very grateful to have a good reason to wear my sweaters again.

Take care of yourselves, wherever you are, freezing toes or burning noses. And have a happy New Year!

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1 commentaire
16 janv. 2024

I'd agree...I Love the first pair...the colour, the tighter stitches...and the location. I can see it being a challenge, not so much the 52 pairs as I see you knitting in lots of nooks & crannies of your day. But a different pattern? Good luck on that :)

P.S. Lovely to have you home again. In time to experience the freezer with us!!!

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